賴盈霖 Founder &CEO
Fellow of TomTom,
Garmin, MStar, Intel
陳瑞雲 COO of Finance, HR, ADM and Operation
10+ years CFO and Sr. VP of Finance,HR/ADM and Operations
5+ years Financial Controller and VP of Finance, HR/ADM, IT Dept
吳辰杞 Director Engineering
10+ year AI and software development
HTC, TomTom
王建華 Director Engineering
7+ Algorithm(CV, ML and DL) development
4+ Firmware development 2+ Android app development
2+ Android app development
Dr. Fazal Ali
IEEE Fellow
Qualcomm, Motorola, Nokia
Dr. Nikolay Mikhaylov
Fellow of IoN
Bosch, Mstar
Dr. WW Kao
TomTom, various startups
Wenjie Zhang
Fellow of China SAE